Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Mitigation interventions for flood and hydrogeological instability

Sep 07, 2023 to Sep 09, 2023 Argenta (FE),
The technical seminar is organized by the Order of Engineers of the province of Ferrara and by the Order of Geologists of Emilia-Romagna. In the light of recent events in Emilia-Romagna, the seminar aims to explore the issues of prevention and mitigation of the effects caused by flood and hydrogeological instability.

Adopted the National Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030

The Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, has signed the decree adopting the National Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030. The Strategy defines national guidelines for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystems, implementing the commitments undertaken with the ratification of the 1992 Rio Convention on Biological Biodiversity which recently adopted the Global Framework for Biodiversity to 2030 in Montreal in December and in line with the objectives of the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030

Documentary "Plastic Busters MPAs"

The project , coordinated by ISPRA, was funded by the European Community Cooperation INTERREG MED. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and candidate states have joined forces to tackle the problem of marine litter +. The consequences generated on the marine environment and on the health of its fauna have been studied in some protected areas. The objective of "Plastic Busters MPAs" was to define, through specific memoranda of understanding, a "Governance Plan" of the marine protected areas involved so as to extend it to all marine protected areas of the Mediterranean.

"Beware of those 4!" Citizen science campaign promoted by IRBIM CNR and ISPRA for the sighting of alien species in the Mediterranean

In the video, the latest sighting, along the Calabrian coasts, of the Scorpion Fish which has very long and thin venomous spines on its dorsal, anal and pelvic fins. ISPRA and CNR-IRBIM recall the campaign Watch out for those 4! The two institutes, in collaboration with the Alien Fish project, collect reports as envisaged by the "Beware of those 4" campaign. Video

Golden Spike Ceremony for the CAMPANIAN GSSP

Jul 26, 2023 Gubbio,
The Golden Spike Ceremony of the CAMPANIAN GSSP (Golden Stratotype Sections and Points) was held on Wednesday 26 July at the Gola del Bottaccione (Gubbio). The "Golden Spike" ("Golden Nail") represents the physical expression of the boundary between Santonian and Campanian, dated 83.6 million years ago. This is a scientific recognition of international value, which makes Bottaccione one of the 100 most important geosites in the world.

Signed the agreement for the joint Sino-Italian laboratory of Functional Biology of Marine Biota between Zhejiang Ocean University and ISPRA

The laboratories were set up at the respective locations of the Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) Haida South Road campus, Lincheng Changzhi Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, and at the ISPRA headquarters in Livorno, as part of the Experimental Section for Ecological Risk Assessment in marine-coastal areas of the National Center for environmental characterization and protection of the coastal strip, marine climatology and operational oceanography

Urban Nature 2023

Oct 21, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
The ISPRA National Biodiversity Network is a partner of the 2023 edition of Urban Nature, the initiative promoted by the WWF. Starting from 7 October 2023, the Friends of Urban Nature will promote environmental awareness activities in various Italian cities with the aim of spreading the value of nature and the need to rethink urban spaces, recognizing the centrality of ecosystems and ecological networks.

Forest ecosystems and fires: update 7 August 2023

The extension of the areas covered by large forest fires in Italy is increasing, as of 7 August 2023, almost exceeding 59,000 hectares (hec), of which over 9,400 hec of forest ecosystems. The forest ecosystems most involved are mostly portions of Mediterranean maquis and holm oak woods (63%) and areas covered by woods and reforestation of conifers (20%). 93% of the areas burned to date are in Sicily (75%) and Calabria (18%). The province of Palermo is the most impacted (over 15,500 hec, of which 20% forests), followed by the province of Reggio Calabria (8,500 hec, 18% of forests), the province of Messina (5,200 hec, 19% of forests) and the province of Syracuse (4200 hec, 24% forests). In the last three days, the Sardinia region has been affected by numerous fires, which have had a relatively limited impact on forest ecosystems. The area covered by fire and the active flame fronts of the Gairo fire (NU) were observed from the Sentinel-2 constellation, with the passage of 12.05 local time on 6 August 2023. From the analyzes carried out by ISPRA, the burnt area is at the moment it is estimated at about 30 hec, of which about 23 hec of forest ecosystems.

The mountain hare shifts in altitude

A paper published in the journal Biodiversity and Conservation, edited by ISPRA and the University of Turin investigates the relationship between ten years of climate change, and the distribution of the mountain hare in the Aosta Valley, Western Italian Alps Typical inhabitant of medium and high Alpine altitudes, the mountain hare (Lepus timidus), is potentially affected by the climate changes underway. It is a mammal adapted to high mountains or extreme latitudes, and owes its name to the seasonal change in color of the coat: during the winter it changes to a white coat, which is why it is also known in Italy as ‘the white hare’.

"What flows under our feet? - Groundwater monitoring activities in Rome"

ISPRA has produced the documentary "What flows under our feet?" which explains what the aquifers of Rome are, how they move and how they are controlled. The subsoil of the capital of Italy is not only rich in remains of Roman civilization, but also in underground waters; a precious resource that has always characterized this place. The monitoring network has about 200 measuring points between wells and piezometers, some of which are monitored continuously. The level, temperature, ph and conductivity data of the aquifers are collected and recorded on a web app that will soon be available online

Sea turtle nests, 2023 is the record year

There are currently 293 loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests found and secured along Italian beaches: it is the all-time record and a number destined to increase in the coming weeks. Volunteers from Legambiente and other organizations, engaged in nest monitoring and surveillance activities as part of the European LIFE Turtlenest project , continue to report day by day traces of mother turtle ascent on Italian beaches.

EUROBOAR meeting

Sep 04, 2023 to Sep 07, 2023 Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano,
From 5 to 7 September, at the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano, there will be a meeting of over 30 researchers and technicians from various European countries and North America who are involved in the EUROBOAR project. EUROBOAR is a project based on the sharing of data collected during wild boar (Sus scrofa) monitoring campaigns, in order to deepen knowledge on ecology across environmental gradients and understand how the species responds to specific conditions, such as climate and environmental changes o the impacts of human activities.

Final Conference Project Life Egyptian Vulture

Sep 19, 2023 to Sep 21, 2023 Matera, Unahotels Hotel MH,
The final conference of the Life Egyptian Vulture Project, which deals with the protection of the Egyptian vulture, will be held in Matera from 19 to 21 September. The results of the activities carried out and the conservation status of the species will be illustrated, both in Italy and in Spain, in the Canary Islands, and in the Balkans. The event includes two days of congress session (19 and 20) and a day of visit to the project areas (21 September 2023).

Conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics

ISPRA is pleased to announce the conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics, financed by the Ministry of the Environment and conducted by the Institute. The monitoring covered the period 2021-2023, focusing on the eastern and northern coasts of Sicily in the last campaign that has just ended. ISPRA researchers have acquired key data during this campaign, creating the basis for an in-depth analysis of the presence of microplastics in Italian seas. Attention shifts to the ISPRA laboratories, where the collected samples will be carefully analysed, helping to create a clear understanding of the presence of microplastics in marine waters.

Venice - Sea level exceeds 110 cm for the first time in summer

On the evening of yesterday 28 August, the sea level exceeded for the first time in the middle of summer the level of +110 cm on the Tide Mark of Punta della Salute (ZMPS) in the Gulf of Venice, a threshold beyond which there would be significant flooding of the City of Venice, avoided, in this case, by the entry into operation of the MoSE system

The risks of the Adriatic. How to save the coasts and beaches that we love

Sep 01, 2023 from 05:30 PM Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana,
The Adriatic Mediterranean Festival will take place from 30 August to 3 September, an event that explores the wealth of creative and cultural expressions of the sea, between Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The day of 1 September includes the meeting "The risks of the Adriatic. How to save the coasts and beaches we love", which will see the participation of an ISPRA expert.