Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Cineclub Scienza: three films to debate the prospects of science for the future of the planet

Waiting for the European Researchers' Night, ISPRA, CNR, INAF and ENEA are organizing three evenings to discuss the prospects of science for the future of the planet.

Cinema has always interpreted or tried to interpret crucial issues such of the society, such as as climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, waste management, energy production, the study of the infinitely small or the history of earth are some of the themes widely represented in film production in recent years.

The Cineclub Scienza was created with the aim of promoting a dialogue between the films screened, the researchers and the public, towards a collective reflection on the representation of science, its methods, its potential and its limits, with a formula: citizens and scientists they meet in front of a work of art that acts as a promoter of ideas and new connections.

The review will take place on Wednesday 13, 20 and 27 September at 21.00 at the Cinema Greenwich in Rome, via Giovanni Battista Bodoni 59.
After the film, the researchers will dialogue with the audience.

Free admission upon reservation at the following links.

Wednesday 13 September time 21.00

Saluto del Presidente ISPRA e SNPA, Stefano Laporta
Siccità, di Paolo Virzì (2022, durata 124’)
A seguire, incontro con Martina Bussettini (ISPRA) e Luisa Bracci Laudiero (CNR). Modera Marco Gisotti (giornalista).

Link prenotazioni

Wednesday 20 September time 21.00

Antropocene – L’epoca Umana, di J. Baichwal, N. de Pencier, E. Burtynsky  (2018, durata 87’)
A seguire: incontro con Piero Papik Genovesi (ISPRA) e Daniela Palma (ENEA). Modera Giulio Carcani (ISPRA).

Link prenotazioni

Wednesday 27 September ore 21.00

Radioactive, di Marjane Satrapi (2019, durata 87’)
A seguire: incontro con Edvige Pezzulli (INAF).

Link prenotazioni
