Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Commitment to sustainability. ISPRA tells it with numbers

The public institution creates value. The fourth 2023 edition of the Institute's Sustainability Report has been published

The AIA preliminary reports that Ispra sent to MASE in 2022 were 86; 374 technical reports on Sites of National Interest to be reclaimed (SIN); more than 76,000 laboratory analyzes conducted. For the PNRR, 2 projects on the "green revolution and ecological transition" mission; 4 projects on the “Education and research” Mission; 1 project, financed by the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC), for the overall strengthening of SNPA structures and services connected to the "health and resilience" mission.

These are just some of the data contained in the new ISPRA sustainability report, now in its fourth edition and available on the Institute's website, a tool for integrating strategies through the analysis of results and for defining more ambitious objectives, from which emerges the picture of the environmental situation provided by a Public Research Body such as ISPRA and which tells, with the support of numbers and concrete results, the key role of the Institute for the implementation of public sustainability policies.

Balance of sustainability