Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Second edition of the Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience

The second edition Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience it is one of the main reports on the state of soil and territory. GLO2 illustrates the motivations, enabling factors and paths through which countries and communities can prevent, reduce and reverse the process of land degradation, designing a program for the restoration of soil and territory and ecosystem functions, capable of changing the way we manage resources, creating development opportunities for people, increasing technical knowledge, generating new jobs and increasing the resilience of local realities.

The assessments provided allow an integrated analysis (for the social, economic, environmental dimension) at a global level of the main factors of soil and territory degradation and their implications for economic and social well-being. The Report is accompanied by a Summary for political decision-makers, which intends to provide the main cognitive elements to support the decisions necessary to achieve the objectives of the strategic framework of the UNCCD and the sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda. In particular, the information framework of the GLO2 focuses attention on achieving Land degradation neutrality, envisaged by goal 15.3 of the 2030 Agenda and adopted as a focus by the Convention.

ISPRA, in order to increase its usability in Italy, both for political decision makers and among the general public, has edited the Italian translation of the summary for political decision makers with the support of the European LIFE project NewLife4Drylands, dedicated to the recovery of degraded and desertified areas through nature based solutions and with integrated ground and remote monitoring, coordinated by the CNR-IIA and with the collaboration of ISPRA.

The document will be presented on 9 November at Ecomondo, during the national session of the second edition of the "General States of the Soil" organized by Re Soil Foundation, EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre, ISPRA and the Ecomondo scientific committee, and will be opportunity to learn more about the state of Italian soils and the developments of the Directive on soil monitoring and resilience.

Full document