Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Friuli Venezia Giulia in the changing climate: events, evidence, measures

Dec 01, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
The climate is constantly changing: in the world, in Italy and also in Friuli Venezia Giulia. For this reason it is important to compare different territories from a climatic point of view, analyzing the extreme events that characterized this 2023. A comparative reading of the phenomena, to understand the causes, the strengths and weaknesses of the individual territories, but also to analyze the actions implemented to address a changing climate, from the global level to Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Commitment to sustainability. ISPRA tells it with numbers

The public institution creates value. The fourth 2023 edition of the Institute's Sustainability Report has been published The AIA preliminary reports that Ispra sent to MASE in 2022 were 86; 374 technical reports on Sites of National Interest to be reclaimed (SIN); more than 76,000 laboratory analyzes conducted. For the PNRR, 2 projects on the "green revolution and ecological transition" mission; 4 projects on the “Education and research” Mission; 1 project, financed by the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC), for the overall strengthening of SNPA structures and services connected to the "health and resilience" mission. These are just some of the data contained in the new ISPRA sustainability report, now in its fourth edition and available on the Institute's website, a tool for integrating strategies through the analysis of results and for defining more ambitious objectives, from which emerges the picture of the environmental situation provided by a Public Research Body such as ISPRA and which tells, with the support of numbers and concrete results, the key role of the Institute for the implementation of public sustainability policies. Balance of sustainability

Workshop GARR 2023

Nov 08, 2023 to Nov 10, 2023 Rome,
The community that innovates the network The 2023 edition of the GARR workshop was held in Rome from 8 to 10 November at the National Central Library. The GARR workshop represented an important event for networking experts from the world of education and research: an opportunity for updating, discussion and comparison on the most current issues of the moment.

The new frontiers of recycling in Italy

Dec 14, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 04:00 PM Milano,
National Recycling Industry Conference The conference dedicated to "The new frontiers of recycling in Italy" is promoted by the Foundation for Sustainable Development in collaboration with Conai and Pianeta2030, the monthly magazine of Corriere della Sera, with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, of 'ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection. On the occasion of the Conference, the 2023 edition of the "Recycling in Italy" Report, created by the Foundation in collaboration with the industrial sectors involved, and the European Environment Agency Report dedicated to the analysis of the secondary raw materials market will be presented. in Europe.

Digital Ocean

Nov 28, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
The Digital Ocean Workshop promotes interdisciplinary dialogue on the frontier theme aimed at the creation of "digital twin" environments, through the integration of georeferenced observations and methodologies between natural, human and geocartographic sciences, and open to the transdisciplinarity of user environments.

The soil monitoring network in Italy: estimating soil biodiversity and the potential increase in organic carbon

Nov 29, 2023 to Nov 30, 2023 Torino/Streaming live,
As part of the SOIL-HUB Project, CREA Agriculture and Environment and the Institute for Wood Plants and the Environment (IPLA) are organizing the conference "The soil monitoring network in Italy: estimating soil biodiversity and the potential increase in organic carbon". The fundamental theme on which all the activities of the SOIL-HUB project focus concerns the sustainability of the production environment and the quality of the agri-food supply chains through the protection and conservation of the soil.

COP 28 - UN Climate Change Conference

Nov 30, 2023 to Dec 12, 2023 Dubai (UAE),
The UAE will host COP28 in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023, bringing together leaders from governments, civil society, industry and finance at a key moment to gauge the world's progress on the Agreement for the first time Paris. The need to find concrete answers to the effects of climate change is increasingly evident and pressing. Several authoritative institutes at a global level are increasingly underlining the urgency of implementing stronger policies than those adopted to date to keep the rise in global temperature within 1.5°C.

The Directory of the implementation status of the Park Plans in National Parks has been updated to 08/31/2023

The Park Plan is the instrument with which the Park Authority pursues "the protection of natural and environmental as well as traditional historical, cultural and anthropological values". The  Repertoire  through maps, diagrams and official documents produced by the Competent Bodies (State, Regions, Park Bodies) as well as the contents of the Determination of 14 March 2023, n. 32 of the Court of Auditors "DETERMINATION AND REPORT ON THE RESULT OF THE CONTROL ON THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE 23 NATIONAL PARK ENTITIES" referring to the year 2021, allows us to understand the current state of the Planning of the Plans of the 25 National Parks currently established. For each National Park it is possible to identify the exact point of the plan process and the most recent official act.

Green Renewable

Nov 23, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Milano,
How to incentivize the development of new renewable energy plants on unused and contaminated areas The conference promotes an investment best practice to encourage the development of new renewable energy plants on unused and contaminated areas.

Third and final edition of the first Copernicus Summer School for Cultural Heritage

The third and final edition of the first Copernicus Summer School for Cultural Heritage was held at the beginning of November, organized by ISPRA, DLR (German Aerospace Center) and CUT (CYPRUS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY) within the Copernicus FPCUP programme. ISPRA organized the Italian edition held in Rome from 13 to 16 June with 50 teachers and over 200 participants, and then collaborated in the organization of the Munich and Cyprus editions as teachers.

The italian soil and the climate crisis

Nov 30, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 01:15 PM Rome, Palazzo Rospigliosi,
The report "The Health of Italian soil in the time of the climate crisis" is the first attempt to bring together, in a single publication, the photograph of the impact of the main forms of degradation on Italian soils and highlight which are the most exposed territories, presenting at the same time the proposals developed by the experts

Wildlife in the city: know it to respect it

Nov 27, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Perugia,
The conference "Wildlife in the city: knowing it to respect it" will be held on November 27th at the Perugia headquarters of ARPA Umbria. In the session "Protecting Biodiversity also means..." the participation of an ISPRA researcher is expected with the speech " The ecosystem services of green and blue areas for healthier and more resilient cities".

Land consumption and urban regeneration: a first assessment of the Regional Law 24/2017

Nov 28, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 05:30 PM
The day will give the opportunity to deeper into various topics linked to the entry into force in 2018 of Regional Law 24/2017 "Regional regulations on the protection and use of the territory", including: an initial assessment of the transitional period, the state of the art of planning and of the urban planning tools being defined, as well as of the first results of the implementation of the selections for urban regeneration.

Green General States

Nov 24, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM Rome, Sala della Protomoteca del Campidoglio,
The "Green General States" are an opportunity for discussion and study to take stock of the state of Rome's green heritage, on the interventions implemented and on the future prospects of its evaluation and regeneration within the framework of the environmental challenges that await the city.

Environmental training course "Green and blue infrastructures for more sustainable and resilient cities"

Dec 15, 2023
ISPRA will organize and promote the training course Green and blue infrastructures for more sustainable and resilient cities. The course has as its main training objectives the acquisition of data and scientific evidence on the environmental and health benefits of nature in the city, to encourage the definition of tools capable of integrating the value of ecosystem services of urban and peri-urban green areas into local planning , in policies to combat climate change and health prevention.

Irpinia earthquake: 43 years later

On November 23, 1980, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit a vast area of ​​Campania, Basilicata and marginally Puglia, causing 2,734 victims. During the earthquake, the fault emerged on the surface for a length of approximately 40 km and dislocations of up to approximately one metre. During the INQUA Summer School and as part of the GeoSciences IR project , ISPRA researchers and the Department of Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II visited the areas affected by the earthquake to carry out field studies.

Territories and sustainable development goals

Dec 13, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Rome,
The presentation of the ASviS Report on Territories 2023 will be held on 13 December in Rome. The document illustrates, through data and graphs, the positioning of regions, provinces, metropolitan cities, urban areas and municipalities with respect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 'Agenda 2030, signed in 2015 by 193 United Nations countries including Italy to guarantee the sustainability of development on an environmental, social and economic level.

Climate change, energy transition: ISPRA/RENAEL memorandum of understanding signed

Nov 28, 2023
The President of ISPRA and SNPA, Prefect Stefano Laporta and the President of the National Network of Local Energy Agencies (RENAEL), Eng. Piergabriele Andreoli, have signed a memorandum of understanding, lasting three years, to strengthen their respective activities on the issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The protocol provides, among other lines of activity, information and awareness-raising on sustainable mobility, energy transition, urban regeneration, environment and health and the dissemination of data and information on the priorities defined in the local plans for sustainable energy and climate .

Launch of the ASviS position paper on the national plan for adaptation to climate change and urban settlements

Nov 30, 2023 from 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM University Roma Tre,
“Urban settlements in the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change” is the title of the new Position paper, created by the Working Group on Goal 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), which will be presented on November 30th at 2.30pm at the Roma Tre University to draw attention to the Pnacc and, in particular, to the sector relating to urban settlements.