Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Environmental information in Italy, towards the 2030 Agenda

Dec 15, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome,
The Italian path for the 2030 Agenda is still a little late, despite encouraging signs. Shared strategies, integrated policies, concrete actions and information that is up to the task are needed. Our society, also thanks to the recent commitment of young people, has now become aware of the problems we face and demands urgent interventions that bring about a just ecological transition: in this scenario, the media have a very important role in training and accelerating in achieving the 17 sustainable development goals.

TCA '23 Noise measurement and control

Dec 05, 2023 to Dec 07, 2023 Ravello (SA),
The initiative aims to promote "Best practices", with the dissemination and sharing of noise study and monitoring experiences, through reports by the main Italian experts and academics. The opening theme of the conference will be the implementation of regulations and environmental control on noise pollution, and the promotion of Best Practices.

From land to Earth

Dec 05, 2023 Bergamo/online event,
The soil between climate changes and new lifestyles On the occasion of World Soil Day, the Italian Composting Consortium in collaboration with Re Soil Foundation is organizing the meeting "From land to Earth".

XVII Meeting of the ReMI Network

Dec 15, 2023 to Dec 16, 2023 Museo delle minerare di Montecatini Val di Cecina,
The meeting of the ReMi Network will take place on 15 December in Montecatini, at the headquarters of the mining museum. Various events are planned including the visit to the site, at the end of the works, and the in-depth seminar "The mining and mineralogical heritage of Montecatini Val di Cecina: history, science and future prospects" scheduled for 16 December.