Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions

ISPRA, as required by the legislation (Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06), has started the activities of developing risk assessment criteria as a national reference for the Regional Plans for the Remediation of Polluted Areas (PRBs).
This report illustrates the activities conducted in the first phase (phase 1), in which national priority criteria are first identified, to apply to potentially contaminated sites, with the support of the Technical Table, set up with Regions and ARPA, starting with the reconnaissance of criteria available at national and international level.

Phase 1 also identified remediation priority criteria to apply to contaminated sites. The report gives instructions for the continuation of the activities as well, (phase 2), leading to a definition of final criteria that will be made available to the Administrations, after the necessary validation process. With the help of applicative software, it will be possible for the individuation of the intervention priority order to apply to potentially contaminated sites registered in the territorial area of competence.

As in phase 1, the Technical Table will share activities in phase 2.

This Table will play a strategic role, especially in activities of methodology validation, to be able to assess the applicability to the level of information available within the environmental context of the different territorial realities that the Table will want to identify. In the next steps, an apposite software will be developed and dedicated to the methodology to apply to contaminated sites.

Technical guidance for the suspected contamination sites’ prioritization will also be issued.

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