Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Monumental trees : an heritage to know and protect

Round Meeting

Rome, 11 febraury, URP Italian State Forestry Corps

Ispra partecipes, involving Dr. Beti Piotto, to a meeting to promote the importance and protection of age-old trees in Italy, by means of experiences, reading books and life stories.

This issue will be debate next Friday during a round meeting "Monumental trees : an heritage to know and protect", in order to spread awareness about conservation of forestal ecosystems, with particular attention on age-old trees. At the end of the meeting, will be opened the photo exhibition "Le Bocche fiamminghe", a collection of 20 miniatures black and white, dedicated to the old-age italian trees, produced by Tiziano Fratus. For further information and to partecipate to the meeting, is possible to contact the Office for Public Relation of the Italian State Forestry Corps at the following nr. 06/46657310 - 11, email