Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Flooding in the basin of Chiascio: final workshop "School Project"


Assisi, June 6, 2011 – Auditorium Scuola Media “Galeazzo Alessi”

The event FLOODS IN THE BASIN CHIASCO: FINAL WORKSHOP "SCHOOL PROJECT" is organized within the project "IMRA - Integrative flood risk governance approach for improvement of risk awareness and increased public participation”. The conference will be held on June 6, 2011 at 10:30 in Assisi, Auditorium Galeazzo Alessi, Via Enrico Toti, loc. Santa Maria degli Angeli - Assisi (PG),in the presence of the schools involved, local authorities and major environmental associations operating in the area. The presentation will be supervised by the Italian partners of IMRA project, namely the Tevere River Basin Authority, the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council and T6 Società Cooperativa, with the support of Municipality of Assisi.

IMRA is one of seven research projects selected in the second joint call on "Flood resilient communities - managing the Consequences of flooding", launched by the ERA-Net CRUE project (Sixth Framework Research Programme) to support the implementation of the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC. The European project IMRA, whose Italian contribution is funded by ISPRA through the Department for Inland and Marine Waters Protection, proposes an integrated approach to flood risk management , in order to increase the awareness and participation of citizens, as required by the Floods Directive.

Within IMRA project, it has been recognized the importance of the participation in the various phases of the project of the school-age population, generally more careful and conscious about environmental issues, more proactive with respect to possible actions in the third phase of the project. For this reason it was organized a campaign in the Italian pilot basin Chiascio to sensitize public awareness in the school-age population (classes from elementary school to high school)  involving the principals and teachers of some schools in the area and the researchers of IMRA project.

The workshop will conclude these activities, and represents an opportunity to meet with local policy makers, showing them the result of awareness raising activities.