Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Intercomparison circuit ISPRA IC022

Measures of PM10 and PM2,5 of particular matters in the air

ImgFebraury 22

During the period 28 February -28 March 2012, fifteen regional and provincial agencies for the environmental protection will participate in the inter-comparison circuit for the measurement of PM10 and PM2,5 organized by ISPRA. This activity is part of the annual program of inter-laboratory arranged by Ispra in collaboration of the Network of Referrals environmental agencies, established by the Federal Council of Agencies under the activity "Harmonization of analytical methods, sampling and measurement – environmental metrology environment" of three-year program.
The circuit on the measures of PM10 and PM2,5 this year was organized with the collaboration of ARPA Lazio and will be held at the ISAC-CNR Research Area of Rome Tor Vergata where there are one of micrometeorological stations of ARPA Lazio and other systems for meteorological measurements and micrometeorological into the atmosphere.
The main purpose of these comparisons is to provide to the participants the objective evidence of the reliability of measurement data produced by them, comparing with the services provided by other participants and the National Reference Laboratories. Any instrumental or procedural problems  or lackness highlighted by the circuit will allow to the participants to undertake the necessary corrective action, in order to achieve an improvement in the national territory of the performance of  network monitoring.