Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Forum PA 2012: inauguration 16 may with Mario Monti

Today, first conference MATTM-ISPRA about "The cycle of waste as a resource and the politics of consensus".

ImgRoma, May 17 Large presence of institutions and general public at the inauguration of the 2012 edition of the Forum Pa, in a delicate time of the European social and economic life. Words of appreciation to public employees and encouragement for the challenges ahead by the Premier Monti. "I am encouraged by the results achieved in the  modernization of the public administration, thanks to the help of everybody." "Now," he reiterated, "we must persevere without hesitation on the road efficiency." Monti believes that "an efficient public administration is a prerequisite not only for the competitiveness of the country but also to guarantee citizens the full exercise of their rights and duties" and that is why "the government action includes a wide portfolio of measures to consolidate the path of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector".Today, at 15.00, the first conference MATTM ISPRA about "The cycle of waste as a resource and the politics of consensus".
Tomorrow, May 18 from 11:00 to 13:00, it will be held the meeting on "Green market and EU Ecolabel certification”; later from 15.00 to 18.00, there will be the conference "Research and Innovation for the Environmental Governance", chaired by General Secretary Mr Antonio Agostini and in which the President ISPRA President, Mr Bernardo De Bernardinis will participate as a speaker