Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


From EC comes “Zoe” an environmental application for smartphone and tablet dedicated to children

The European Commission has recently launched an environmental application dedicated to children free to download to Apple and Android devices. The application focuses on the importance of water in society. It is a digital interactive tale of educational value dedicated to children between the age of 7 and 11 aiming at deepening their Knowledge about the hydrological cycle and the water treatment. A wise Frog called “Lord Frederick of the Wetlands” acts as a guide for Zoe, the main character of the tale and her friend Pedro to alert them about possible consequences of polluted water and show them how to avoid it. On the European Commission website a multilingual on-line version of the tale is available aiming at promoting project-based activities for the classroom. The realization of the application is one of several water-related initiatives.


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