Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Italian forestry after 20 years from Rio de Janeiro conference

Press conference

Roma, 19 april , ore 9.30, palazzo Rospigliosi, via xxiv maggio 43

Italian forests has increased in terms of area and of quantity, above all the amount of carbon in forest soils. These are some of the main dates that emerge from theNational Inventory of Forests and forestry Carbon reservoirs of the State Forestry Corps, developed with the support of the Council for Scientific Research and Testing in Agriculture - Research Unit for monitoring and Planning Forest CRA-MPF of Trent. The results of the carbon content in forest soils will be presented during the press conference that will present mr. Mario Catania, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, mr. Corrado Clini, Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea mr. Cesare Patrone, head of the State Forestry Corps and mr. Joseph Alonzo, President of the Council for Research and Testing in Agriculture. During the conference will also partecipate the president mr. ISPRA Bernardo De Bernardinis, which will focus on the data of Italian forests in the European and international context.