Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Stress Tests on the EU nuclear plants - Peer Review Final Report


27 April

With the ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group) meeting  on April 25 in Brussels, in which Italy was represented by Dr. S. Laporta, ISPRA Director General, the European Nuclear Authorities and the European Commission have completed the process of Peer Review of the Stress Tests carried out on all the nuclear power plants in operation or under construction in the Member States, according to mandate from the European Council received on March 25, 2011, as an immediate post-Fukushima measure. On this occasion, the the European Nuclear Authorities and the European Commission have discussed and adopted on April 26, the Final Report of the Stress Tests Peer Review, drawn from the Peer Review Board, containing in the annex, the 17 country reports covering all the nuclear plants of the European Union and of two volunteer non-EU countries, Switzerland and Ukraine. Eighty professionals representing 24 States and the European Commission revisioned the national reports. The report is published on the ENSREG website