Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


T Med

5 April

Greenhouse gases, in the last 800 thousand years, have undergone substantial changes related to the alternation of glacial and interglacial cycles. To understand how the increase of CO2 will change the climate of the future, scientists make use of mathematical simulations. These models need, however, to be calibrated: the past is simulated and compared with what actually happened. The T-MED documentary describes how the reef vermeti of Sicily, made up of gastropod Dendropoma petraeum, can be used as a potential paleoclimatic archives to describe the events of the past and provide, therefore, a database useful to understand the future climate and the landscape. The research presented formed the basis of the project ISPRA "Climate change activities and coastal studies", currently in progress, which has enabled to reconstruct how the level of the Mediterranean Sea has changed during the last 3000 years.
