Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental training courses in "Fundamentals of Soil Science" and "The study of paleosols and their use in the geological practice"

On September 15 will start the training courses "Fundamentals of Soil Science" and "The study of paleosols and their use in the geological practice", organized by ISPRA, in collaboration with the Order of Geologists of Lazio and with the support of Geological Italian Society (SGI), the Italian Association for the Study of the Quaternary (AIQUA), the Italian Pedologists Association (AIP) and
the the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo). The educational activities will be provided in blended learning, with an initial on-line introduction common to both courses and classes that will be held on 8 and 9 October at the Conference Hall of the ISPRA headquarters in Rome, Via Vitaliano Brancati No. 48. It will also be provided a training field activity (optional) to be held on October 10 in the territory of the Roman countyside, carried out by experts.


Further information