Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Save the red, protect the biodiversity. In Umbria starts the project for the Red squirrel and preventing loss of biodiversity in the Apennines

Perugia, 12 December

The LIFE + U-SAVEREDS Biodiversity Project, "Management of grey squirrel in Umbria: conservation of red squirrel and preventing loss of biodiversity in the Apennines”, is an European project aiming at tackling the possible threat faced by the Eurasian red squirrel (more often known as red squirrel) because of the presence and expansion, also in Umbria, of the Eastern grey squirrel.

During the press conference will be presented the project the objectives, actions and results expected and the local scenario from the application of  the new European regulation

Further information