Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


"Best Practices for Lake" award

The Announcement "Best Practices for Lake" aims to identify and spread best practices for the sustainable management of lake areas, with the support of the public administrations and public and private companies ,by means of projects, strategies, governance, scientific. know- how about that issue. The event, which was added as part of the fifteenth edition "World Lake Conference" that will be held in Perugia ( from 1 to 5 September 2014 ) it is promoted by: Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea, ISPRA, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources Management and Culture at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, and Italian HydroTechnic Association

A jury will select the three winning projects that will be awarded on the occasion of the 15th World Lake Conference, during the workshop "BEST PRACTICES FOR LAKE."

All projects accepted in the announcement will be inserted  into the database GELSO ISPRA and published on the website of the UNESCO Chair in Water Resource Management and Culture.

Announcement format and  forms for the submission of proposals

Announcement  deadline: April 30, 2014