Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Tour of Italy: the geological structure of the stages described by ISPRA

The conformation of the territory of the 18 stages of the Tour of Italy, which crosses the country in many "symbolic" locations from the geological point of view, will be described to the general public following the tour by ISPRA through the project "GeoloGiro", which aims to disclose the wealth of knowledge related to our country. S

Press release


 The "GeoloGiro" is a project created to acquaint the general public with the geological and geomorphological characteristics of the routes of the Cycling Tour of Italy through the landscape - configured as a plot of racing uphill, downhill and plais. The combination cycling-territory-science has been a great success in the 2013 Tour of Italy and for this reason it is repeated in the 2014 edition, thanks to a collaboration between ISPRA, National Council of Geologists, Gazzetta dello Sport (organizer of the event), Italian Cycling Federation and RAI. A short space during the program "Anteprima Giro" will be dedicated to the "Geologiro" project.

An outline of the geology of Italy crossed by the 2014 Tour of Italy (also for non-geologists)

Stage        Geological Map       1:1.000.000   Geological Map of the Nature 1:250.000Video
4 Giovinazzo - Bari 

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra
(minuto 55)

5 Taranto - Viggiano Carta prodotta dal Servizio Geologico Nazionale

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra

6 Sassano - Montecassino

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra

7 Frosinone - Foligno

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra

8 Foligno - Montecopiolo

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra
(minuto 50)

9 Lugo - Sestola

Eelaborazione 3D

Intervento Ispra

10 Modena - Salsomaggiore

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA


11 Collecchio - Savona geo1M_TAPPA-11r_pic.jpg udp_TAPPA-11r_pic.jpg

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

12 Barbaresco - Barolo geo1M_TAPPA-12r_pic.jpg udp_TAPPA-12r_pic.jpg Elaborazione 3D
13 Fossano - Rivarolo Canavese

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

14 Agliè - Oropa

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

15 Valdengo - Plan di Montecampione

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

16 Ponte di legno - Val Martello

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

17 Sardonico - Vittorio Veneto

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

18 Belluno - Rifugio Panarotta

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

19 Bassano del Grappa - Monte Grappa

Elaborazione 3D

Intervento ISPRA

20 Maniago - Monte Zoncolan Elaborazione 3D
21 Gemona del Friuli - Trieste Elaborazione 3D