Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Communication and Information: working group of the National System of Environmental Protection

The working group is composed by  ISPRA and almost all the Regional and Provincial environmental Agencies Provincial (Arpa/Appa)

In the last days has started its activities the Working Group on communication set up by the Federal Council of the National System for Environmental Protection (SiNPA), the  federative tool of  ISPRA and Arpa / Appa. The working group aims to develop a network to share experiences to carry out more advanced communication coordinated activities, about fundamental topics  that have a strong impact at mass-media level on the society.

In this context will be planned and developed integrated actions of communication and spreading of environmental information, also to strengthen the identity of the image of SiNPA  toward the stakeholders and, more generally, the general public.

The environmental Agencies daily  work to collect a large amounts of data by monitoring the environment  state and control the sources of pressure on complex environmental systems. The results are validated in a scientific manner with procedures of input and output, and collected on databases to produce analytical reports of summary.

Therefore, environmental information plays a key-role and is a strategic objective for the environmental Agencies, in order to spread institutional  information to all stakeholders (institutions, companies, associations, citizens) in comprehensive,easily accessible and understandable way.