Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA campaign on hydrothermalism starts from the Aeolian Islands

The second campaign of ISPRA starts on 3 June, developed under the project Regional Observatory of Biodiversity of the Sicilian Region aims to develop monitoring techniques for protected species and habitats in surface and deep hydrothermal environments. Marine areas affected by hydrothermalism are hotspots of biodiversity and at the same time can be a source of alteration of the natural eco-systemic marine biodiversity in Sicily

In addition , due to their high productivity these systems  have an important energetic role in the basin scale and they require specific environmental management.

The campaign will begin in the Aeolian Islands and  the activities will take place aboard the ship R / V Astrea ISPRA, where will be shipped researchers of Ispra, experts of the CNR-ISMAR of Bologna, Ancona, CNR-IAMC Messina, University of Ancona, Genova and Messina. Hydrothermal environments will be explored with Multibeam and ROV (remotely operated vehicle).

The main objectives of these activities are:

• Develop an integrated system to carry out  the mapping of areas of investigation with geomorphological and bionomic maps

• Develop an integrated system for the study of biodiversity associated with hydrothermal phenomena, by visual census through remote systems and  samples.

• Perform through the first two objectives a characterization of plants  and animals of the habitats protected or endangered according to the directives and international conventions, such as the EC Directive 92/43 (Habitats Directive).

The activities of the Observatory started in May 2014, with a campaign of research in the same areas, planned together with previous surveys which  ISPRA has been doing  since 2003.