Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Prize for the best thesis in a work at the ISPRA Chioggia

Camilla Piras wins the prize for best thesis. The prize is organized by the Necton and Fishing Committee of the Italian Society of Marine Biology. The thesis "Characterization of the benthic community of the Veneto Region and management implications for fishing", discussed on July 12, 2013 at the University of Padua, was realized at the headquarters of ISPRA in Chioggia, rapporteur Prof. C. Mazzoldi, correlator dr. Saša Raicevich.

Second prize to Monica Mion, graduated at the same University with the thesis "Distribution of commercial catches in the waters of the Veneto Region and management implications for fishing" also under the supervision of dr. Raicevich.