Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Launched the new oceanographic vessel "LIGHEA" of ISPRA

The technical launch of the vessel took place at Acciaroli (Salerno) last May 22, at Cantieri Schiavone. The vessel has a length of fourteen and a half meters and is equipped with scientific tools that also includes an ROV, a robot with remote control, able to operate up to 500 meters deep.

On 22 May at the Cantieri Schiavone was launched the "LIGHEA", the new oceanographic vessel of ISPRA, built with funds from the Project PAC01-00044 "EMSO-MEDIT Strengthening of  multidisciplinary infrastructure of marine research in Sicily , Campania and Puglia as a contribution to the ESFRI-EMSO ".

The vessel has a length of fourteen meters and a half and will be part of a network of systematic observation and monitoring of the coastal marine. Besides ISPRA, are part of the network the Zoological Station in Naples, the CNR and, as leader of the project, the INGV.

The boat was built entirely by  Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Imprese R.T.I  of Cantieri Navali e Cantieri Schiavone.

Varo tecnico LIGHEA