Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European Researchers Night: tenth edition

Next 25 September the European Researchers’Night returns, a big event started 10 years ago, to bring science and researchers among citizens, young people, students simultaneously throughout Italy and Europe. The European Researchers' Night is a project promoted by the European Commission and last year had a record attendance of 50,000. ISPRA is participating for the second year to this important event, working together with the Roma Tre University. The Department of Soil and the Department of Nature Protection of ISPRA organize the following event:

"Natural heritage: the discovery of the great geological heritage of Lazio."

A virtual trip to the geological discovery in Lazio territory and some of its geosites.

Events program at Roma Tre University

Further information

ISPRA STS Chioggia partecipates to the event:

Conference cycle: "Il ricercatore si racconta"

Program (ita)