Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Central Italy earthquake: start the Retrace-3D project

The first meeting of the RETRACE-3D project (centRal Italy EarThquakes integrated Crustal modEl) was held today in Rome, at the Department of Civil Protection, focusing on the three-dimensional, geological and seismotectonic characterization of the earth's crust that last august 24 was affected by the seismic sequence that hit central Italy. The project, which lasts one year renewable, is the result of a cooperation between the Department of Civil Protection, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the National Research Council - which participates with the Institute of Geology Environmental and Geoengineering (CNR-IGAG) and the Institute for the Electromagnetic Detection of the Environment (CNR-IREA) - and the National System for Environmental Protection (ISPRA), with the collaboration of Eni and Total, both private companies but also part of the National Civil Protection Service, which have made available their data about soil.

RETRACE-3D represents therefore an example of strategic collaboration between civil protection, scientific community and private sector, on objectives of common interest for the country: reconstruction of high quality of the possible seismogenic sources present in that sector of terrestrial crust and a 3D distribution of the different types of rocks in the subsoil, which allows a more precise localization of earthquakes.

The kick-off meeting was attended by the heads of the project promoters and representatives of Eni, Total and the Directorate General for Safety, including environmental, of mining and energy activities (DGS-UNMIG) of the Ministry of Economic Development, as well as representatives of the vast risks Commission