Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA managements in Dublin with the directors of European Agencies and appointment of the DG ISPRA Bratti in the EEA management board

Copernicus, Citizen science, circular economy, communication: these are some of the topics discussed on 12 and 13 April in Dublin, during the meeting of the Directors of the European Environmental Protection Agencies, attended by an ISPRA delegations led by President Stefano Laporta and by the DG Alessandro Bratti. The meeting was also attended by the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, Hans Bruyninckx, and the General Director for the Environment of the European Commission, Daniel Calleja Crespo, that has underlined the fact that circular economy and sustainable finance are today issues of primary importance in the general framework of the European Union policies

ISPRA has focused the meeting on emerging issues and scientific innovations in the environmental field, in particular proposing to organize a common action in order to guarantee the same levels of environmental protection to all citizens and promoting economic growth, in line with the model of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA).

Ispra President Laporta said : "We are developing with the Regional and Provincial Agencies for the protection of the environment  a reference model , the System, which the other European agencies look with attention, in a perspective and an integrated and communitarian vision".

In the same meeting the DG Bratti has been appointed member of the Board of Directors of the EEA, representing Italy and cooperating also with MATTM. President Laporta has expressed  also satisfaction with this result "which further strengthens the Italian presence in Europe".

"I am particularly honored of this position because I think it is fundamental for ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) to play such important role at European level", said Director Bratti; “ Our target is l to involve the SNPA  young resources more and more in these international activities, because environmental protection will be above all in their hands".

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