Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


RETICULA - Call for abstract for the 2018 monographic issue of RETICULA

The next 2018 monographic issue of RETICULA, to be published in December, will address:
Soft mobility: a new season of roles and considerations for the implementation of Green Infrastructures

More than two decades after the introduction in Europe of the North American concept of Greenways, as infrastructures for a non-motorized and eco-friendly mobility, the elements for soft mobility represent important steps for the implementation and diffusion of Green Infrastructures.

Such itineraries and paths can represent, in fact, connecting elements (multifunctional ecological corridors) of the system of natural and semi-natural areas of the Green Infrastructures, supporting integrated actions that meet the criteria of safety, usability and accessibility and, at the same time, the new interests and considerations connected to the contemporary scenario of environmental problems, such as: the need for adaptation to climate change and pollution mitigation, the loss of biodiversity, territorial fragmentation, the preservation and maintenance of the plurality of services provided by ecosystems, the increase in territorial resilience, etc.

While remaining a valid and current proposal, the Greenways need to be reconsidered in view of a clearer and more effective multifunctional environmental role, especially as regards ecological connectivity, highlighting aspects such as: proper selection and planning of the accompanying vegetation; appropriate articulation of "full and empty" areas, the identification of solutions to avoid barriers and obstacles to the movement of different types of wildlife and to mitigate potential disturbances to the most sensitive species caused by the human presence. But above all, for their relaunch, such infrastructures require actions of greater diffusion of the knowledge about their potentialities, so that their consideration in the processes of territorial and landscape planning becomes a practice.

The intent of this monographic issue is to give a contribution of knowledge on the activities that are concretely useful for the dissemination of the soft mobility elements, correctly designed and implemented, as an important component of the wider set of Green Infrastructures.

As an example, we provide a list of some topics that can be addressed:
1. Examples of projects implemented, in progress or planned, including the financing and the promotion/communication component;
2. Technical aspects of identifying itineraries and project methodologies;
3. Evaluations of the impacts and effects on the various targets of the territory;
4. Studies and research on potentialities and effectiveness, both from the anthropic point of view and on the biodiversity conservation;
5. Identification and evaluation of ecosystem services connected to the soft mobility network;
6. Management problems and solutions, including technical-economic aspects;
7. Instruments of regulation and financial support at international, European, national and regional levels that deal, regulate or support the particular type of infrastructure.

All those interested in providing a contribution to the monographic issue are invited to write an article - according to the attached Editorial Rules - to be sent to following e-mail address no later than June 30 p.v.

The articles accepted for the publication will be subject to a scientific refereeing by the RETICULA editors.