Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The painted tomb in Bayt Ras (Jordan) : ISPRA support for the recovery and protection

Thank to the decennal cooperation between the Geological Survey Departement of ISPRA and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (DOA) for the study and geological conservation Jordan's cultural heritage - such as the UNESCO sites of Petra and Um-ar-Rassas, and other sites included in the tentativelist (Jerash, Salt, Karak) - ISPRA has been charged to curate the geological and geotechnical aspects, preliminary to the restoration and for  the future touristic usability of the tomb of Bayt Ras. Last 5 April, ISPRA officially presented to the press and to the Jordanian authorities, the Bayt Ras project, aimed at the restoration and structural conservation of the Roman painted tomb of the II centuries a.D.



Informative note

Further information
