Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


PON governance, Cohesion policy Department and ISPRA together for a webinar on transparency and statistic information

During the Open public administration week, ISPRA will present the project : Environmental statistics for the cohesion politics 2014-2020, in definition phase in the frame of PON Governance and Capacity Building. The webinar, organized by the Managing Authority of the Operational Program and the Evaluation planning analysis Unit (NUVAP) of the Cohesion Policy Department will start Friday 9 February at 10.30.

The target of the event  is to provide an overview of the operative strategy oof the NOP on transparency through the comparison of the contents of some #pongov projects, still in the definition phase, which provide the develop of activities and the release of data and information to be made available to the public according to the concept of open government.

You can partecipate until 8 a.m of  9 febraury 2018


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