Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Conference organized by ISPRA as a part of the H2020 MARINA

Ispra, in the whole of the MARINA project, launches a call for papers for a conference on  “How to institutionalize the Responsible Research and Innovation approach: from theory to reality”  (TRRIPP 2018), organized in Tartu (Estonia), 18 june 2018. The conference is part of multi-conference guested by the Research Centre AHHAA, on Responsable Research and Innovation in Science, Innovation and Society 2018 (M-RRI SIS 2018) , that will be held from 17 to 19 september

The MARINA project, of which ISPRA is a partner, is coordinated by the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the National Research Council, involves 14 partners from 12 different Member States and countries associated with the H2020 program, who are committed to the goal of implementing the principles of responsible research and innovation (RRI) to improve citizen involvement in initiatives adopted by the European Commission to tackle the main and most current social challenges.

The conference organized by ISPRA (TRIPIP 2018) aims to present lessons learned, case studies and best practices adopted by institutions and public administrations in the implementation of policies that take into account not only the results produced by the scientific world in the subject dealt with but also, and above all, of the social requests and of the contribution provided by all the actors involved in carrying out the decided actions.

The call for papers, in English, has the following deadlines: 10 July for the sending of abstracts, 20 July for the forwarding papers of no more than 10 pages each. Submissions must be submitted via the link:

The topics of interest for the TRRIPP conference are listed at the following link: