Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


National depository of radioactive waste: the report on some updates made by the SO.G.I.N. to the CNAPI proposal elaborated in 2015

ISPRA has delivered last days to the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Economic an updating of the report provided by Legislative Decree No. 31/2010 on the proposal for a National Charter of Potentially Eligible Areas (CNAPI) to the location of the national radioactive waste deposit prepared by SO.G.I.N. S.p.A.

The update of the report was necessary following the transmission to ISPRA, last January, by SO.GIN, of a communication about some changes made to the CNAPI proposal of 2015 in relation to some updates happened after 2015, in the databases used to prepare the proposal.

The Institute therefore has proceeded with the assessment of conformity about the proposed modifications with the criteria of the Technical Guide n.29 and the validation of the related cartographic results.