Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


National System for Environmental Protection partecipates to the initiative " M'illumino di meno"

The SNPA adheres to the XIV M'Illumino di Meno 2018 campaign, linked to the Radio2 Caterpillar transmission, dedicated to the importance and the beauty of walking, because it’s time to change walk to save the Planet. In the infographic, the best practices and environmental benefits deriving from the adoption of eco-sustainable habits.

Without prejudice to the fact that each member of the SNPA can participate in the manner that best suits its specific characteristics, it is proposed to:

- travel, on 23 February 2018, the journey home-work totally on foot or, at least partially, for 20/30 minutes;

- share the symbolic objective of reaching with the contribution of all the moon on foot with a total of 555 million steps (!) until February 23, possibly also inserting its own number in  the digital 'count-number'

As is known, this "celebration of energy saving" is connected, in addition to the "shutdowns", to the reduction of waste of resources in all areas (food consumption, mobility ...), to sharing gestures, as the DECALOGO DI M'ILLUMINO DI MENO remind us.