Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the DG Alessandro Bratti meeting with General Commander of the Coast Guard Giovanni Pettorino

Admiral Giovanni Pettorino, Genelera Commander of the Coast Guard today met the ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the DG Alessandro Bratti. The protection of the sea and its integrity have always been common themes between the two institutions and the meeting provided an opportunity to strengthen the already existing cooperation between the Institute and the Coast Guard, concerning all the topics related to the protection of the marine environment, through a constant exchange of information, knowledge, innovative tools and training for those working in this sector.

The Admiral Pettorino said that : "We want to renewe the Agreement with Ispra  to set up  and share our knowledge and our mobile environmental laboratories with the Institute. The country needs environmental protection in many fields; the sea, polluted by what is produced on earth, is one of our most important resources to be safeguarded".