Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


MARINA project workshop on the implementation of the RRI approach by policy makers involved in the Marine Strategy and Blue Growth

ISPRA, that is part of the project H2020 MARINA, will organize a workshop in the afternoon of 23 May 2018, at APRE EU Liaison Office  in Brussels, Rue du Trône 98, will address the potential of Responsible Research and Innovation in policy regarding marine sectors and blue growth starting from the highlights of the societal actors and the policy-makers mobilized by the MARINA project in the last two years.

Invited participants could expect from the workshop feedback from policy-makers from 16 Member States about RRI based on MARINA survey, concrete perspectives and actions on marine related societal issues based on the mobilization of more than 1000 societal actors, the prototype RRI roadmap of best practices being developed by the H2020 MARINA Project.

The MARINA project will welcome the opportunity to share the results of this effort with the participants and invite feedback from them as policy-maker, implementer or R&I practitioner on how best to contribute to the current policies, cross-cutting priorities and R&I agenda.