Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The National Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of ISPRA participates at the “Topical Peer Review” on the aging management of nuclear installations.

From 14th to 18th May, in Luxembourg, it is on going the Review Conference at Community level on the theme of the aging management of nuclear power plants and research reactors in Europe (Topical Peer Review).

This process has been promoted by ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group), implementing the provisions of the Nuclear Safety Directive no. 2014/87 / EURATOM.

The Topical Peer Review aims to ensure that participating countries carry out a self-assessment of their management system for the aging of nuclear plants and research reactors, identifying good practices and possible improvements to be implemented.

A delegation from the National Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of ISPRA participates to the Conference, presenting and discussing the National Report and contributing to the Peer Review process.

Further information on the Topical Peer Review can be found on the ENSREG website.