Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Ispra at Ecomondo 2018

Rimini, 6-9 november

Ecomondo is the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo. An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy in a single platform: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. Italy is among the leading countries in Europe in the green and circular economy, in particular in energy efficiency, waste recycling and resource productivity. For this reason, Ecomondo is a reference point in the international panorama, where all the leading companies of the sector can meet and discover the trends, innovations and new technologies and exchange views with sector professional. ith the collaboration of  industrial associations, ministries and other institutions, research bodies, the European Commission, OCSE, etc, Ecomondo 2018 will present the newest updates, necessities, challenges and opportunities regarding  the reuse and valorisation of organic and no-organic waste ( including sewage), the alternative raw materials and the industrial eco-design, the reclamation and rehabilitation of contaminated areas (also marine) and the bio-economy.

In this context Ispra will organize numerous seminars

Further information

6 november

7 november

8 november

9 november