Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Information and Communication in the nuclear field, meeting in Rome on perspectives and critical issues

Communicating technical and scientific data in the nuclear field represents a complex challenge for Institutions, companies and the research world. The need to communicate in a transparent way scientific evidence often clashes with the diffusion of wrong information regarding production, energy supply, management and storage of radioactive waste, use of radiation sources in the health sector.

This is the topic of the seminar held on October 18 at the CNR (National Research Council), entitled "Communication and Information in the Nuclear field", organized by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome and the Order of Journalists of Lazio. The initiative was also attended by ISIN, the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection which, since 1 August, inherits the functions and tasks of nuclear regulators, previously carried out by ISPRA.