Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Planet Earth weekly 2018

14-21 october

For a whole week of October, there will be different initiatives  troughout the country, to spread  scientific culture, called "Geoevents": excursions, walks in urban and historical centers, open doors in museums and research centers, guided tours , exhibitions, educational and experimental workshops for children and teenagers, musical and artistic activities, convivial tastings, conferences, conventions, workshops, round tables.Geoevents are organized by universities and schools, research institutions, local authorities, cultural and scientific associations, parks and museums, and the professional world.

The initiative is sponsored by ISPRA and next 20 October the Agency also partecipes and organizes the following initiative : Il Drizzagno e l’ansa morta di Spinaceto lungo il Tevere: caratteri geologici ed ecosistemi fluviali a confronto”.


Planet Earth weekly web site