Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European Mobility week

16-22 september

Multimodality is the theme that the European Mobility Week has chosen to bring to the attention of the participating cities with the slogan "change and go".

"The multimodality is a term referred to the choice of different modes and means of transport for different journeys, both during the same trip and for different journeys, based on the characteristics of the journey and the person". For citizens, with the right support of administrators, it is an opportunity to rethink the way in which we move in the city and push to experiment with new forms of mobility by participating in the process of improving mobility, the urban environment and quality of life.
In the whole of the European Mobility week ISPRA organizes the Mobility Manager day

Site MATTM ( Italian Ministry of Envinronment)

European Mobility Week site