Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Shot down vulture Egyptian just released in the wild. Ispra denounces a serious episode of poaching in Sicily

Yesterday, in the province of Trapani, was found the body of one of the two Egyptian vulture released in August in Matera by the Ispra and the Menacing Raptors Center of Grosseto. Found by the Carabinieri of Palermo, after the report made by the researchers of the Institute, the specimen belonging to a particularly protected species was immediately subjected to radiography and the examination confirmed the presence of numerous pellets in the body. This is a serious act of poaching against an endangered species, belonging to the family of vultures, whose re-introduction in the wild is Ispra working within the European project LIFE "Egyptian vulture" (name with which the species is known at the international level).