Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The SIC2SIC Life tour moves to central Italy

The Sic2Sic tour starts again. After Friuli-Venezia Giulia, next September 18 begins a new path of 20 stages that will cross the regions of Lazio and Umbria. A trip by bike led by Ispra  together with its partners Ares 2.0, Fiab and Enne3, which aims to raise awareness among citizens, schools, businesses and institutions on the meaning and on the importance of the Natura 2000 network. A crossing of 60 sites of the Natura 2000 Network that, guided by a group of experts (environmental researchers, territorial development economists, communicators and cycling tour guides), will allow to know an extraordinary naturalistic heritage. A path in which it is possible to participate as protagonists also thanks to a learning by cycling activity programmed during five stages of the tour:

• 5th Stage Viterbo - Monte Cimino - Viterbo, on 22 September 2018

• 10th Stage Perugia, on 29 September 2018

• 15th Stage of Leonessa - Terminillo, on October 6, 2018

• 16th Stage of Terminillo, on October 7, 2018

• 21st Stage Castel Gandolfo - Campidoglio, on October 13, 2018


Information on stage and routes