Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Summer School AssoArpa

Sep 26, 2018 03:00 PM to Sep 28, 2018 01:30 PM Palermo,
The President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta, has today inaugurated the Summer School of the SNPA's top management in Palermo. Under the direction of AssoArpa and in the prestigious headquarters of the Church of Sainti Elena e Costantino, guests of ARPA Sicily, the general director, technical and administrative directors of the ARPA and ISPRA, together with the Authorities of the Sicily Region have kicked off the three-day dedicated to sustainable development. Public institutions, universities, business world and associations will debate with the synergies to be implemented to build together a widespread culture that combines the environment and development