Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Law by Decree n.39 (28 April 2009)

Urgent actions in order to help people affected by April 2009 earthquakes in Region Abruzzo and further emergency interventions of civil protection


"Urgent actions in order to help people affected by April 2009 earthquakes in Region Abruzzo and further emergency interventions of civil protection."
Law by Decree "Abruzzo" came into force on April 28, with the publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (official journal of the national laws). The Decree provides that ISPRA could support the Department of Civil Protection with services related to the phase of recovery of the areas affected by the seismic events, in order to contribute to the security of the territory and to the restoration of pleasant conditions of life for people affected by seismic events. (More information ...)

Law by Decree 28 April 2009 n.39