Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The volcanoes in the Geological Map of Italy: Unusual results and open problems

Rome, May 21,  2009, Fazzini hall, via Curtatone n. 3
While the realization of geological sheets on volcanic areas carried out within the Project of National Geological Mapping (CARG) is in it’s concluding stage, the Geological Service of Italy (Ispra) organizes a workshop aimed at specialists working in the same Project, working with stratigraphy and geological survey and mapping in volcanic areas.
The workshop aims to compare the different tests developed by the Working Groups that have managed the implementation of geological sheets on a scale of 1:50,000 in different volcanic and geological Italian settings. It aims to stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas on the experience and the different solutions adopted, in a constructive and wide dialogue, also to suggest refinements and insights to the regulatory principles of the CARG Project.

First circular letter