Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Year 2009

Regional report

Overview of the regional socio-economic and environmental status - year 2005


The ISPRA/ ARPA /APPA System: Reference materials, methods harmonization and accreditation of laboratories


The contribution of biostratigraphy to Geological Cartography


“Carta della Natura” (Chart of Nature): results, applications and future developments

Training course

Contaminated Sites: Characterization, Remediation and Risk Analysis


From Census to the National Directory of Geosites. Compared experiences

Study Day

The optimization of the management of the wastewater treatment plants: operational tools for verification of functionality and benchmarking

XXX study day

Coastal geomorphology. Phenomena of disruption, risk and management

A useful tool for anti-CO2 policies

“Applying the IPCC GPG for LULUCF approaches for assessing changes in carbon stocks and emissions of green-house gas for Harvested Wood Products in Italy”


The volcanoes in the Geological Map of Italy: Unusual results and open problems

ISPRA publication

The breakdown of the national inventory of emissions at the provincial level