Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


5th Review Conference on the International Convention on the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste - Vienna, 11-22 May 2015

Monday, May 11, have opened in Vienna, at the IAEA, the works of the 5th Review Conference on the International Convention on the safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, attended by delegations from 70 States Parties to the Convention. The conference focused on the presentation and discussion of the national reports produced by States Parties and on the observations resulting from their review.
The Italian delegation, led by ISPRA's Director General Stefano Laporta, includes representatives of the Department of Nuclear energy, as Nuclear Safety Authority and representatives of Sogin, and as national operator.
In accordance with the procedures of the Convention, 70 States Parties to the Convention have been divided into seven working groups. Italy is part of Group 6 - together with Brazil, China, Cyprus, Germany, Malta, Montenegro, Macedonia, Uzbekistan and EURATOM - Japan as Presidency and USA as Rapporteur.
The presentation of the National Report of Italy, as fourth report, was held on the opening day on Monday, May 11, getting a very positive feedback. Italian presentation highlighted the progress obtained in the field of safety of nuclear waste and of decommissioning of nuclear installations. Particular appreciation was expressed for the ongoing process of localization of the site for the national repository.
The formal conclusions of each State Party will be presented in the plenary meetings starting from May 18 to 22 May, conclusive day.