Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


New cooperation between the Geological Survey of China and ISPRA - Italian Geological Survey

Two projects of collaboration between China and Italy were signed in Rome addressing environment and geology. The high-level delegation of the Chinese Geological Survey (CGS), led by Vice President Li Jinfa, was received by ISPRA's Director General Stefano Laporta and the Geological Survey of ISPRA. The first two agreements signed between the two bodies, lasting three years, address the characterization of geological effects caused by earthquakes and the comparison between the methods of hydrogeological mapping of selected sites in China and Italy at the scale 1:50.000.

Vice-president of CGS expressed the wish to extend this cooperation to other issues of particular environmental relevance for China. The first Italian mission is scheduled for autumn 2015.
