Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Seminar on IRRS mission of IAEA

Seminar at ISPRA on the SARIS system (Self-Assessment of the Regulatory Infrastructure for Safety) of self-assessment of national infrastructure for nuclear safety and radiation protection for IRRS mission (Integrated Regulatory Review Service) IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency )

In accordance with the directives and 2009/71/EURATOM and 2009/70/Euratom concerning the safety of nuclear installations and the safety of nuclear fuel or and radioactive waste, implemented by Italy, EU countries are obliged to submit the system of regulation and control in the nuclear field towards a international review process. In Italy such duties and functions are developed by ISPRA - Departmente of Nuclear, technological and industrial risk.This review process is carried out by IRRS missions of  IAEA, led by a experts’ group of  Member States.

The IRRS mission in Italy is scheduled for June 2016 and a preliminary seminary was held at the ISPRA headquarter about information and training activity and self-assessment on the tool called SARIS, developed by  IAEA. At  the seminar participated ISPRA’s experts and representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, the Ministry of the Interior and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Civil Protection.