Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Third meeting between the Commission Italy-Switzerland ( CIS) at ISPRA

The third meeting of the Commission Italy-Switzerland (CIS) established under a bilateral agreement between the ISPRA and the ENSI was opened yesterday at the ISPRA’s headquarter, between the two organizations that in their respective countries develops the functions and the tasks of the national authorities for nuclear safety.

The Commission, led by the respective DG for Nuclear Safety Authority, Mr. Stefano Laporta (ISPRA) and Mr. Hans Wanner (ENSI) discussed the issues on the agenda such as: legislation and regulation, preliminary national systems and response to emergencies, the decommissioning and radioactive waste management, localization domestic storage, innovative elements of the new Euratom Directive on Nuclear Safety.

The conclusions of the meeting focused on the identification of additional issues of interest and future cooperation between ISPRA and ENSI, such as experience with the IRRS missions, possible tools to improve access and use of the monitoring system data - ESD ( Electronic Situation Display) of the Swiss National Emergency Operations Centre. The sixth June was instead dedicated was organized a visit by ISPRA for the Swiss delegation, at the Garigliano nuclear power plant together with SOGIN and the Department of Civil Protection Service Central Operations.