Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Year 2014

For the first time a lynx photographed in the Apennines For the first time a lynx photographed in the Apennines

An adult individual of lynx was photographed in the wildlife and hunting territory of the company "Sasseto Mortano", in the municipality of Santa Sofia. The photo, taken on April 19 by the lawyer Gian Raniero Paulucci of Forlì, is the first clear evidence of the presence of this predator in the Apennines for centuries. This amazing presence, however, is most likely due to illegal releases by man in recent years, given that the species is extinct in Italy since the seventeenth century. Also immigration from Alps - where there are very few examples - appears unlikely for geographical, environmental and demographic reasons.

ISPRA informative note about the development of technical criteria for localization of a national deposit of radioactive waste ISPRA informative note about the development of technical criteria for localization of a national deposit of radioactive waste

ISPRA has prepared a first draft of the document about technical criteria for localization of a national deposit of radioactive waste. It is also necessary, in line with international practices in the nuclear sector, a technical comparison with the Nuclear Safety Authority of countries that have already implemented similar structures, as well as to present these criteria to the international review by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The plastic representation of the territory between nineteenth and twentieth century. Florence, 29 November The plastic representation of the territory between nineteenth and twentieth century. Florence, 29 November

The plastics realized in the past were able to transmit images faithful of the territory and immediately understandable for civil and military applications: planning of the war activities of the Great War, mining and industrial activities,studies related to geological risk, teaching, spreading of knowledge of the Italian territory, in the occasion of the International Exhibition between the late 800 and early 900.

National day of mourning for the storm in Sardegna National day of mourning for the storm in Sardegna

The Council of Ministers, in the meeting of 21 November, has proclaimed Friday November 22 a day of national mourning for the cyclone that has devastated Sardegna, causing many victms and missing. ISPRA expresses solidarity to the people involved in the tragedy.